Monday, May 12, 2008

Day 19 - Hike Number Two

Courtney left today back to BA. I am really glad she came to El Bolson. We had so much fun hanging out with her. When she left John told me he really liked her. She is a good person. Which is very true. I think she cracked him up, I know he cracker her up.

Before Court left today John taught us the art of mate (maa-tee). The grass and water drink they drink here. It is very bitter, but you become addicted easily. I bought a cup, straw, and some grass today at the store. I am going to drink it on the bus tomorrow.

After we walked Courtney to the bus station and bought our tickets for tomorrow we went and bought some ice cream (I had lemon and chocolate) then went for another hike. This hike was on the other side of the town then the one we did yesterday.

We walked to the right leaving Grandma´s hostel rather then the left. We walked up this hill until we found our path. The trail was beautiful. It was through the woods. The soil looked white because of all of the volcano ash. There were many trails in many directions so John put arrows in the ground to mark our direction by moving the ash and exposing the dirt. I ended up using the arrow when I left, but probably would have been fine without it, just would have taken me longer.

Along our journey we met up with two dogs. One was black and the other was blonde, like a golden retriever, except definitely a mutt. I named the black one Lady. They played tour guides to us up to the top of the hill. The top was absolutely beautiful. We climbed on to these rocks and got an incredible panoramic view of all of El Bolson. It was breath taking. John sat down while I hopped from rock to rock until I found a good spot with my feet hanging off of this cliff. John isn´t one for heights so he stayed clear of the edge. It was really kind of cool having that view. Many of the trees were still yellow. Other trees had dark spots around the truck with bear branches. The dark spots were the leaves on the ground by the way. I watched the horses eat, the cattle roam, and the cars drive by. It was beautiful.

Following our hike John decided to stay on the rocks for a while and enjoy the peace and quiet. He doesn´t see much of it living in a city. I ventured back through the woods then down a road which took me to the main highway that leads into El Bolson. I had missed the turn we took on our way to the trail, but I knew I would find my way back to the town. El Bolson is in the valley so there are only two roads in and out, one to the north and one to the south.

Once I made it to the city I stopped at the supermarcado (supermarket), got some supplies for a fruit salad and my own cup, straw, and grass for my mates (maa-tees). Turns out I forgot my straw at the supermarcado so I had to go back and buy another one. You have to pack your own bags at the market, so it was my own fault. Oh well.

On the way back to Grandma´s hostel I acquired, not by choice, a new friend. He was a dog who followed me to Grandma´s hostel and sat outside the gate starring at me most of the night.

The evening time is beautiful here. There has not been a cloud in the sky. The jagged tops of the mountains are so clear and beautiful. They look so close you could reach out and touch them. They truly look magnificent tonight. A great way to spend my last night in El Bolson.

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